Project Details

Date October 2019
History + Theory, 3rd Year Semester 2
Credits Clyde Overton
James Sewell
Joshua Wallace
Alexander Moss
Anthony Mollica
Oscar Draper
Corey Schultz
Sophie McQuaid
Rui Hang Yong
Rodman Poon
Alex Thurkettle
Sumin Bajracharya
Tommy Chan
Karisse Yip
Stephen Ho
S M Imtiaz
Ho Kyeong Kim
Type Critique Booklet
Case Study CCCP (Critical, Curatorial, and Conceptual Practices), FA (Forensic Architecture), Goldsmiths
Institution University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
Applications Adobe Indesign

Project Summary

Human right violations is a reoccurring global crisis, perpetuated by authorities, dominant figures seeking control and power. Analysing such events through an architectural lens provides insight to these issues that would otherwise be impossible to uncover. Critical, curatorial and conceptual practices (CCCP) and Forensic Architecture (FA) both undergo thorough systematic analysis of such events. CCCP analyse past and current events. Highlighting them and encouraging discourse.

To create conversation and speculations about future solutions to these problems. Forensic Architecture, on the other hand, attempt to seek answers and justice to those committing crimes, by predominantly investigating post event scenarios. This investigation generally involves cross-referencing CCTV footage, witness testimony, satellite imagery and other relevant items of evidence to create a narrative to uncover the truth of these injustices.

These chosen texts in this booklet highlight these main concepts, as both CCCP and FA works provide various techniques and methods to analyse contemporary issues and their implications.
