Project Details

Date October 2017
Construction, 1st Year Semester 2
Type Construction Study
Institution University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
Applications Rhino 5, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesgin

Project Summary

This project is a construction study on four categories of structural formations: Vector Active, Section Active, Surface Active, and Form Active Structures. I researched how each of these behaved, explored the subcategories within, understood how they can be used and joined, and the possible materials for these constructions. Four precedents were used as case studies to understand these structures: Boxing Club and Archery Hall by FT Architects (Vector Active), KAIT Kanagawa Institute of Technology by Junya Ishigami (Section Active), Tempodrom Berlin by Doris Schäffler and Stephan Schütz (Surface Active), and Serpentine Pavilion by Zaha Hadid (Form Active). From here, we would recreate the structures that make up these precedents, as well as create and test our own forms in aim to develop a stronger understanding on these categories of structures.
